Does your small business really need a website? Reason 2 is a pretty big one!
A website helps new customers find you through Google
And what business doesn't want new customers! Even if you’re happy with the current size of your business, there’s likely to be some customer turnover. One of the best ways to ensure your continued success is to make your business more visible on Google.
When you have your own website, you have the chance to include the words you know your customers will use to find you. Including these keywords can help your website rank in Google.
Along with Google’s complex algorithms, this means that when a potential customer near you makes a search, it will be your website that pops up!
Or perhaps a happy customer has recommended you to a friend; the first thing they’re likely to do is Google your business name. Having a website makes it really easy for them to find you and get in touch.
This short blog is the second in the “Do I really need a website” series, click here to read more!