The Challenge
Ashbourne Oven & Steam Cleaning was looking for a new, single page website to replace her existing site. The new website needed to have a fresh new look, and support the business by attracting new customers and delivering more enquiries. Good search engine optimisation was key to delivering on this aim.
The Process
Fun & friendly pricing
There’s nothing more off-putting than a boring list of prices. So we incorporated a user led scrolling pricelist with each of the items accompanied by a fun, visually descriptive icon.
Before & After
Everyone loves a good before & after picture, and Sue’s are stunning! From grimy to gleaming, it was important to give Sue space to display her pictures, and of course we made it easy to edit so Sue can add new images as they come in.
Single Page
A single page website structure was the perfect fit for Ashbourne Oven and Steam cleaning. Information was clearly sectioned and led users though a pre-determined journey through to the contact form as the key call to action.

Single page website

Established customer journey

Simple navigation

Fully responsive to desktop, tablet and mobile devices

Custom contact form
The Solution
Effortless Websites delivered a site that packed in loads of great features while delivering a simple and effective customer experience through a single page site. Since launch the website has achieved its aim and delivered a steady stream of new customers and enquiries to Sue’s inbox.
Website Features